Environmental Policy

Triton Consulting recognises the importance of protecting the environment, conserving natural resources, and minimising its ecological footprint. Triton is dedicated to incorporating environmental considerations into all aspects of its operations, striving for enhanced energy efficiency, waste management, and greenhouse gas reduction.

This policy outlines our commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability and serves as a guide for our employees, partners, and stakeholders.

Triton’s objectives include: –

  • Adhering to relevant environmental laws, legislation and regulations.
  • Conducting business in an environmentally conscious manner.
  • Procuring environmentally friendly materials when suitable.
  • Promoting awareness among staff to encourage their active participation.
  • Decreasing energy consumption through improved energy efficiency.
  • Emphasising waste reuse and recycling whenever feasible.

To ensure continuous improvement, Triton will establish reporting mechanisms and set annual targets, where applicable, to track progress towards becoming a more energy efficient and environmentally friendly organisation.



Triton Consulting is committed to minimising the impact of its activities on the environment.

The key points of Triton’s strategy to achieve this are: –

  • Minimise waste by evaluating operations and maximising efficiency.
  • Implement appropriate technologies and practices to prevent, control, and reduce pollution, including remote working where possible.
  • Prioritise the use of renewable resources and promote the reduction, reuse, and recycling of materials both internally and among suppliers.
  • Efficiently manage our use of natural resources, including energy and water.
  • Promote energy efficiency internally by ensuring equipment is turned off when not in use.
  • Source and promote a range of products and services that minimise the environmental impact of production and distribution.
  • Comply with or surpass all relevant environmental legislation applicable to the company.
  • Set annual targets and regularly report progress to ensure goals are met.
  • Conduct an annual review of the Environmental Policy.


By adhering to this policy, Triton Consulting will contribute to a more sustainable future and demonstrate its commitment to environmental protection and responsible business practices.