2014 Posted by Carol Davis-Mann

Feeling Unsupported?

Sometimes it is necessary for organisations to stay on older, unsupported database versions. There are many reasons why an organisation may choose or be forced to stay on an out of support version of DB2:

Cost – an upgrade can be expensive both in terms of licence fees and manpower to manage the upgrade

Time – the time involved for the upgrade may mean that key staff would be pulled off everyday duties for too long

Risk to existing applications – some applications may only support DB2 up to a certain release. Moving to a newer version could therefore cause serious problems for the running of the application

– Good old inertia! Yes, sometimes organisations simply can’t find the time to think about an upgrade and “if it ain’t broke , don’t fix it

Any of this sound familiar? Whatever the reason for staying on an unsupported version of DB2 it can mean a considerable amount of risk should any problems arise.

Consultancy on Demand is available on all versions of DB2 including those which are officially out of support with IBM. This means that even if you’re forced to stay on an officially unsupported DB2 version you can still benefit from access to top DB2 skills when you need them.

Using Consultancy on Demand for out of support DB2 versions is a great “insurance policy” for your DB2 database. Find out more about Consultancy on Demand

IBM DB2 for LUW out of support versions

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