RemoteDBA FAQs

Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about Triton’s Db2 Support/RemoteDBA offering.

Click on the question below to find out more. If you have a question that isn’t listed below please contact us for help.

RemoteDBA FAQs

We support both Db2 LUW and Db2 z/OS environments.
RemoteDBA is designed to work with your existing staff. Packages are available as 9-5, 24/7 or out of hours only. This gives you the reassurance of knowing that your business critical databases are supported even during those times when your in-house DBA isn’t available.
Other DBMS systems have very different structures and commands to Db2 – this means that staff skilled in other systems may struggle to cope if issues arise in Db2. What would be the cost to your business if one of your Db2 applications was down for an hour/day/week? We can tailor a RemoteDBA or RemoteDBA Lite offering to your needs; whether that is 24x7, 9-5 support, or only out of hours coverage.
Following an initial assessment and the implementation of security protocols Triton can be on the job straightaway.
You will be assigned a dedicated Triton support team member who will provide the support for your database environments.
Yes, we carry out regular maintenance as part of our RemoteDBA service.
Of course, we take it upon ourselves to provide the client with up-to-date information relevant to Db2 and any other technologies we support. This is part of the RemoteDBA service.
Yes, fixpacks are included in the RemoteDBA service.
Version upgrades can be carried out under our Consultancy on Demand service.
Yes, out of support Db2 versions are supported by RemoteDBA. However, Triton cannot raise any direct issues with IBM that require a code fix.
The requirement is to have access to the database servers so that they can be administered remotely. In order for this to be achievable the connectivity has to be secure, using VPN, SSH through broadband, dial-in etc.
Yes, we connect to your systems via secure VPN. We are flexible and implement any remote access protocols required by your organisation.
There is always someone available that is able to provide the same service levels and will have the required knowledge to manage your environments. All our consultants are highly trained and experienced and are kept up to date with all of our clients and their database environments. We undertake knowledge transfer amongst the team so that for you, the transition is seamless between Triton colleagues.
Absolutely, our support team consists of highly skilled DB2 consultants. We are proud to have two IBM Gold Consultants in the team.
Depending on the service pack you have invested in, DBA support is available 24/7 and there is no limit to the amount of support calls.
We provide monthly incident reports and we can provide performance reports tailored to your needs.
The major difference between the two is that RemoteDBA is designed for mission critical databases where support is required for production environments. CoD consists of support hours that can be purchased in packs of 20, 50 or 100+ hours. These hours can be called off when required for Db2 training, consultancy or development work.
We have a range of support packages on offer which cover out of hours support.