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CICS Attach

Achieve a robust CICS setup with balanced Db2 data sharing, continuous availability, optimised CPU performance, and effective in-doubt work resolution.

CICS Attach Module

The Db2 for z/OS CICS ZMARS module will examine your setup for the CICS configuration across the z/OS Parallel Sysplex.

The Triton study team will produce an easily consumable report with prioritised findings and recommendations that, if implemented, will enhance your ability to:

  • Run an optimised set of high volume and critical business transactions to reduce CPU consumption
  • Achieve a proper balanced design across the CICS and Db2 configuration for robustness and application availability

Why It Matters

Having a properly balanced balance design across the CICS and Db2 configuration with fine grained transaction routing and no transaction affinities is critically important to avoid:

Sporadic, unpredictable response times, complex debug of performance problems, single points of failure and increased risk of Db2 member crashes.

Avoid missing major CPU performance reduction from intelligent optimised use of CICS-Db2 thread reuse combined with running Db2 packages bound with the RELEASE DEALLOCATE option.

Avoid time-consuming decision-making and manual operations to ensure that reconnection after component failure resolves any in-doubt units of recovery.

Key Action Tasks

  • Ensuring a fixed topology with proper balance across the Db2 data sharing group for robustness
  • Verifying replicated CICS applications with redundancy supported by fine grained transaction routing for continuous availability
  • Identifying and mitigating any risk of a “storm drain” effect on Db2 member failure
  • Assessing good optimized design using CICS-Db2 thread reuse complemented by using Db2 packages bound with RELEASE DEALLOCATE) to optimise CPU performance
  • Ensuring no missed opportunities for further performance savings
  • Evaluating a robust strategy for resolving in-doubt units of work
The ZMARS Modular Approach
Our CICS Attach module is only one part of a wider suite of Mainframe Availability and Resilience (ZMARS) modules. Want to see what else ZMARS offers? Visit our ZMARS service page for a full list of modules.
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