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View All / In Database Journal, Julian Stuhler lists the IBM DB2 SQL Skin for applications compatible with Sybase ASE Technology among the Top 10 IBM Information Management Trends

In Database Journal, Julian Stuhler lists the IBM DB2 SQL Skin for applications compatible with Sybase ASE Technology among the Top 10 IBM Information Management Trends

Triton Consulting Director and industry expert, Julian Stuhler has listed the IBM DB2 SQL Skin in his pick of top 10 IBM Information Management trends in a recent article for Database Journal.

Co-developed with IBM, the IBM DB2 SSacSA is a fast, cost effective Sybase to DB2 database migration technology based on the ANTs’ patent-pending ANTs Compatibility Server (ACS) technology.

In a recent PR statement, Joseph Kozak, Chairman and CEO of ANTs Software says “We are excited to be recognized by Julian Stuhler, particularly since it is comes less than 60 days following ANTs Software and IBM’s May 20, 2010 announcement of the commercial availability of the IBM DB2 SSacSA  technology.  Industry recognition so quickly after our combined roll-out speaks volumes to the market need for a cost effective and quality migrations solution.”

The IBM® DB2® SQL Skin for applications compatible with Sybase ASE allows application code -queries, stored procedures, and functions – from Sybase ASE databases to run natively and transparently against DB2 with minimal to no application rewriting and recompiling.